Tuesday 28 December 2010

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye...

So this is the start of something new.
Something I'm really just dipping my toes in at the minute. While I may have the time and patience to update, I'm lost as to whether I'll have enough relevant things to say.
So I'm going to start this not so much with a list as with a series of thoughts that are swimming in my consciousness. I'd like to point out however that I am very fond of a good list.

1. This evening I was going to have a night of pampering. A long bath, use the nice new moisturiser I got for Christmas (Clarins Moisture Rich Body Lotion  in case you were wondering) manicure, pluck, pumice and tweeze...but there was no hot water. As it turns out, the washing machine and the shower are having some sort of water tank territorial war and the washing machine won. Thus my night consisted of Facebook stalking my ex boyfriends, new girlfriends, mother (please say with me on this one) and judging both her and myself. Therefore lesson for the day stands as 'You can should never pass comment on another woman's profile picture whilst you yourself are contemplating the use of dry shampoo a showering substitute.'

2. Yesterday, I read that 10% of men cheat on their partners when they become pregnant. Does this risk double if it’s twins? According to psychologists and such, it’s because men feel undervalued when their other half is offered seats on buses etc. (I’ve never offered a pregnant person a seat on a bus, but then at lest I've never been offered one either). I'm not sure how I feel about this - the statistic and the weak excuses behind the justification of it both make me a little sad inside.

3. I'm rather excited about space travel and the moon at the moment. I'm not entirely sure what has brought on this new found interest, or why it seems to have grabbed on to me (I'm pretty certain it can't be the idea of the unknown - anyone who knows me will tell you that there is nothing I fear more than the idea of not quite being in control of oh, I don't know, everything...) but for some reason I am finding myself devouring stories of space travel, of the Gemini missions, of Armstrong, Aldrin et al and the sheer amazingness that was the space race of the 60's and the 70's.

4. I have fallen into lust with a deeply inappropriate but alarmingly handsome young man who will be hereby known as The Boy. I am currently in a game of SMS chicken with The Boy, refusing to be the first to cave over the holiday season after his last contact (which I felt was of a rather blase and dismissive tome) left me feeling as if I had made the entire thing up in my head. Perhaps I have, or perhaps I'm over reacting, but at least my non commital and aloof attitude is slightly more acceptable than that of say, Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. We'll see how it goes.

5. This week I have learnt of a Topshop outlet store, and have been listening to the delicate musical of Perfume Genius. There are no words in which I can describe how happy both these things make me.

And so that is all.
For now at least.

1 comment:

  1. Great post,

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